This product is for Pre-Approved Organizations only.
If you are not Pre-Approved yet, then sign up to be approved for our Free Art Program here.
If you are already Pre-Approved, then just add to your cart.Our Free Artwork Program offers Jewish Temples, Synagogues, JCCs, Day Schools, Businesses Or Restaurants the opportunity to receive the stunning Jews in Baseball or Jews in Music artwork at no cost. These pieces celebrate Jewish heritage through iconic moments in sports and music, making them ideal for inspiring and enhancing public spaces.Once hung, the artwork does the fundraising for you, with zero effort or work on your part. If anyone who sees it purchases one from us using the 10% off code supplied right on your piece, we will ship the piece directly to them, AND send you a donation on every sale. A fully refundable deposit of $150 is required to participate, which is ALWAYS returned upon the 1st sale, or after 1 year of being hung, whichever comes first.The program also provides a great opportunity to use the artwork for other fundraising initiatives to support your organization. Full details, including eligibility and available artwork, can be found on our Free Artwork Program page here. Apply today to see if your organization qualifies!
*********** Free Art Program Deposit *********** (Fully-Refunded When Hung)